Top 10 Unpublished Posts of 2014

Top 10 Unpublished Blog Posts of 2014

Not long ago I was whining to my posse of dad bloggers that I had started writing several different posts, but then abandoned them in frustration and/or from a general lack of inspiration. Many of my fellow writers could relate, but my pal Zach chimed in that I should create a list of my top 10 unpublished blog posts, with a brief description of what they would have been about.

I loved the idea, but being the indecisive, lazy person that I am, took it a step further to make it into a way to avoid having to decide an interactive opportunity for you, dear reader. So… Can you pretty please help me decide which post I should finish next?

Take a moment and read through the headlines and synopses below, then tell me in the comments which one you’d most like to see finished. Or the one you hate least. Or just tell me they all suck and be done with it. The one with the most votes by midnight January 5 (EST) will be completed and published early in the New Year.

Without further ado, meet my unbirthed word babies…

1. Why We’re Not Having Any More Kids

We had an opportunity to expand our family at one point, and passed. We’re now at the “one and done” point. Here’s the why and how.

2. The 11 Most Annoying Bedtime Books Ever

You know those books that make you want to run screaming every time your kid pulls them off the shelf for story time? These are those.

3. 7 Ways Gay Parents Are Like Straight Parents, and 4 Ways They’re Different

We’re all a lot more alike than you might think. And also not.

4. Myths and Truths About Adoption

There is an endless supply of information out there about adoption. This is not a definitive source, but does include much of the wisdom gleaned from our own experience as adoptive parents.

5. Essential Gay Films for Straight People

A handy list for enlightened heteros. Highlights the best of the best, weeds out the queer clichés, makes you the hit of every dinner party.

6. So You Want To Start A Parenting Blog…

A friend asked me how to get started on creating a parenting blog. Here are a few morsels of advice, if you’re interested.

7. How To Be Straight in 8 or 9 Easy Steps

Another chapter of my coming out journey, where I got to design album covers for a well-known “cured” gay person.

8. When My Son Dropped the F-Bomb

Every parent knows where they were the first time their children said the mother of all swear words. Ours was at a Panera Bread and involved a cheese sandwich.

9. Sometimes I Wish My Son Was Gay

I revisit the topic of how different I feel from my child at times, wondering if things would be easier if he were gay.

10. Hi, My Name Is Brent, and I’m an Aquaman Fan

Wherein I examine, explain and extol my lifelong devotion to the King of the Seven Seas… and the butt of all superhero jokes.

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Thanks for your input! I hope to get around to writing all of these at some point, so even if your favorite doesn’t win, it may see the light of day very soon. Also, no stealing my ideas — that’s just rude.

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