SuperBunnyEggFriends Easter Craft to the Rescue!

Superhero Easter Craft

If the new film Batman v Superman is too dark for your littlest superhero fan, here’s a nifty Springtime/Easter craft I whipped up. I had a lot of fun recreating my favorite childhood heroes in bunny/egg form, and then putting them in silly scenarios. After I was done playing with them, they made eggceptional prize eggs for an epic backyard egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

Enjoy the goofy Easter vignettes, then scroll to the end of the post to learn how to make them yourself.

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Batman and Superman are wondering what all the fighting is about. You can keep your Batman v Superman and your Captain America: Civil War… nothing beats friendship!

Superhero Easter Craft

With an eggcess of negative reviews (as well as some unfortunate events in the film itself), Superman is having kind of a crap week. Darn those Kryptonite jelly beans!

Superhero Easter Craft

Is Batman missing his sidekick? Or perhaps the lighter tone of his 1960s TV show? Either way, the Dark Knight is eggceptionally dark in Batman v Superman.

Superhero Easter Craft

Wonder Woman stole the limelight from her superhero pals. This was due largely to her impeccable timing… and her impeccable ability to accessorize.

Superhero Easter Craft

Even though he’s the king of the seven seas, Aquaman gets no respect. Eggcept from his fishy pals.

Superhero Easter Craft

Batman seems pleased to have his Boy Wonder back, but Robin isn’t too thrilled Spidey dropped in on their wall-crawling adventure.

Superhero Easter Craft


So which one is your favorite? Any requests for next Easter? Leave your answers in the comments!


To learn how to make Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, check out the full “how-to” article on Fandango.com. Go here to see the steps to make Aquaman.

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