Vote, baby vote!

Mommy networking site Circle of Moms is shining the spotlight on dad bloggers, sponsoring a reader-powered list of the Top 25 Daddy Blogs. The Moms must’ve known how competitive men can be — the list is already long and the votes are racking up.

Being a fledgling blogger, I’m not holding my breath to make it very high on the list. Nevertheless, I’d still love your vote! And better yet, to have you tell all your friends, family, coworkers and strangers you pass on the street about Designer Daddy. The end goal, as always, is more readers! (Okay, it’s really a children’s book deal and a world-famous column on fatherhood, but I gotta start somewhere.)

VOTE HERE! Voting ends April 5.

And thanks, as always, for reading and commenting my ramblings!

(PS: You can vote once a day. Because I know you have nothing better to do than vote for my blog…)

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