DooDad of the Day: Silla Soup!

And now, a little something for the ladies…

Most of the stuff I post about here is pretty boy-centric. We’re an all-boy household — so sue me. And while there is a ton of fun and fashionable duds I can buy for JJ, that period is quickly coming to an end. Before long he may just want to wear a solid-colored tee shirt every day of the week — or even worse, something with SpongeBob on it. And thus my days of being his personal style guru will be over.

But for those of you with little girls, the variety of (and number of years to buy) hip baby gear is exponentially greater. And some of the most precious around are from Silla Soup.

Silla Soup sells hand-made hairpins, headbands and other adornments out of simple materials but which are just cute as a button. I’ve labeled it my “DooDad of the Day,” but it’s a whole slew of doodads, all of them equally creative and awesomely adorable.

Full disclosure, Silla is a friend of mine from college. And I’ve told her my only regret in having a boy is that I can’t buy some of her stuff for JJ. I’ve also told her she should make some things for boys. Maybe bug, monster, or robot pins they can put on their backpacks? She does do custom work, so maybe…

In any event, dads and moms of little girls (and moms themselves), check out her store and her blog to see the wide array of adorableness for sale.

Her tag line is “Handmade hodge-podge finery,” but I vote for “Silla Soup: Mmmm, Mmmm Cute!”

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