DD digs Kartoons Kataloons

I came across a hip ‘lil line of boys’ clothes on my favorite shopping addiction, Zulily.com. This site is dangerous, as it notifies subscribers of sales on unique kids’ items EVERY DAY. Luckily it’s mostly for little girls and moms, but they frequently feature boys’ clothes as well. Some of it is cheesy (Ed Hardy onesies, anyone?*), but a lot of the clothes and toys are quirky, custom-made, and hard-to-find. Crack for this Designer Daddy.

Kartoons Kataloons (the Boys line from parent company Sophie Catalou, designed in Barcelona, HQ in New York) is the best I’ve seen on Zulily in a while. It has the standard boys’ motifs (cars and motorcycles, wild animals) but designed with an actual sense of design — not just loud and bold. Plus there’s an armadillo! And check out the gorgeous color palette. Instead of the usual blues and greens, we’re treated to teal and olive. And they’re mixed together with burgundy and bright orange. Yum.

The sale at Zulily ends June 8, so go check it out inmediatamente.

(*Some of you may know that I did indeed purchase these onesies for JJ. But you have to realize that I had not ever (and still haven’t) seen an episode of The Jersey Shore, and didn’t realize the douchebaggery associated with this brand. I just saw fun tattoo-inspired, days-of-the-week onesies and pounced. Only later did a couple of fashion-forward friends show me the error of my ways. For what it’s worth, they did fit well and lasted a long time…)

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