Fridge Wisdom: Birthday(s) edition!

I gotta get some more "Ds" or change the name of the blog...

So here we are, one year later and the blog is still going strong (ish). Someone recently asked me how I found the time. Which is ironic because I follow several other Dad Blogs — most of them are SAHD (Stat-at-home Dads) — yet they are much more prolific. I’m always wishing I had more time to write, but I gotta make money and take care of the kiddo some of the time, too.

Speaking of making money, I realize blogging doesn’t (at least not for me), but I have really come to enjoy it and so indulge myself. And hopefully a few readers have enjoyed it along the way as well. I also tell myself this is my version of scrapbooking. While I am pretty crafty, I don’t have the patience for that level of craziness.

Of course the blog’s 1st birthday coincides with the 2nd birthday of JJ, the blog’s inspiration!

So here’s a special guest Fridge Wisdom submission from two of JJ’s cousins who visited this last weekend for all the festivities.

Thanks Bella and Kristina! (By the way, their awesome pig and owl hats can be found at BJ’s, in addition to the links from Amazon.)

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