My Baby’s First…

If you’re a normal parent (or just otherwise normal) you probably finished this post’s title with the word “word.” Or if you’re the motivated type, the word “step.” Perhaps “tooth,” for the orally fixated. But it takes a special breed of parent to remember their child’s first logo.

I’ve met a lot of other dads in recent months, thanks largely in part to a Facebook group of Dad Bloggers. Among them are several sports nuts, a battalion of Star Wars fanatics, a few Lego freaks — all of which are hoping to pass their passions on to their offspring. While there’s definitely some overlap with many of the other dads, my love and appreciation of design — and where it mashes up with marketing and pop culture — is tops on my list.

From the onset of JJ’s visual development, I’ve kept a mental list (oh alright, an actual list) of the logos and brands he’s recognized on his own. Had he the memory capacity or verbal skills at the time, he might recall differently… but I’m pretty sure THIS is the first brand my kiddo knew:


If I have to explain the significance of the above logo and the role it’s played in my life these last three or so years, you’ve clearly never been or met a new parent.

There were many more predictable brandmarks along the way, particularly those that contributed to JJ being fed, clothed or hooked up with superheros:



Which leads me to these essential symbols, which were drilled into his brain committed to memory from a very young age:


And then there are products that are an integral part of his life, but whose names are either difficult for JJ to say, or just don’t make any sense. These he knows only by the unique (and often more logical) descriptors he’s given them…


(AKA: Daddy’s Car, Papa Juice, iPad and BIG M!)

To wrap up — one more in the “descriptor” category, and my personal favorite — Daddy Logo:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So what unique “first” sticks out in your memory? The first time your child chose store brand over generic? First time they danced around to your favorite hair metal band? First sip of Pinot? Please share in the comments!

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