One of the joys of working in DC is being exposed to the vast number of nonprofits doing dynamic and important work. While working for these organizations doesn’t always equate to dynamic paychecks, the payoff is oftentimes greater creative freedom. And it’s even more rewarding when you’re able to contribute to a cause in which you really believe.
That was the case with Family Ties Project, whose mission is “to promote and preserve the well-being of children, youth and families affected by HIV/AIDS by working with parents and caregivers to plan for the future care of their children.”
Several years ago I was commissioned by Family Ties to do an illustrated version of their logo. Because of the sensitive nature of their work, photos of actual clients just aren’t an option. So Family Ties relies heavily on illustration to communicate their message, and they wanted these new graphics to use on various publications.
The four icons of their logo represent the main functions of Family Ties Project: to promote ideas and education (light bulb); ensure children are loved and cared for (heart); advocate and provide legal counsel for these mostly low-income families (scale); and to provide hope in the struggles of living with HIV/AIDS (ribbon). The original logo was done in a style reminiscent of the AIDS Quilt, but for the illustrations they wanted something more whimsical and child-like, and produced in a way that could just as easily work as four separate graphics.

While I can’t imagine what these families must go through, I certainly appreciate the amount of love, energy and worry it takes to ensure your child is cared for and protected. It’s encouraging to know there are organizations like Family Ties Project helping those that need it most.