DooDad of the Day: Pig Notecards …and a Giveaway!

Real-life, actually-printed-on-paper, delivered-by-a-human-being correspondence is a rare and wonderful treat, dontchathink? But if you’ve ever had even a hint of an original thought in your head, you dread the idea of darkening the doors of your local convenience store to pick over the post-apocalyptic disarray of syrupy, clichéd, annoyingly musical greeting cards.

So why don’t you take some of these perkily porcine Pig Notecards off my hands?

Designer Daddy - Pig Notecards

These blank cards are perfect for party invitations, get wells, birth announcements, thank yous, you’re welcomes and more progressive Bar Mitzvahs. And also meat-themed baby showers. (Seriously, I once sold a set to someone for that very purpose.)


2 each of 5 different styles
 High-quality printing on uncoated, heavy card stock
 Comes with 10 envelopes in 5 matching colors
 Guaranteed to produce a squeal (or make a tummy grumble)

$15.00 + shipping/handling

To pay with Paypal, send your name, mailing address, quantity (number of boxes of 10), and PayPal email address to daddy (at) designerdaddy (dot) com. Or just hit the CONTACT button up there on the right side of this page.

Take a peek at the 5 precociously punny designs… and scroll to the bottom to get in on some free swine swag!

Designer Daddy - Pig Notecards - Hog Wild
Designer Daddy - Pig Notecards - Cuts of Meat
Designer Daddy - Pig Notecards - This Little Piggy
Designer Daddy - Pig Notecards - Ham Radio
Designer Daddy - Pig Notecards - Pig Latin


Tell me which card is your favorite in the comments section below (or comment and/or share on Facebook) for a chance to win a FREE BOX of This Little Piggy Notecards! I’ll do a random draw at the end of the week (midnight EST, Sunday, Sept. 7) and give away a set to THREE of y’all. So get to commenting!

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Come back (most) every Monday for a new DooDad of the Day! I spend way too much time on the Interwebs, where I come across all manner of awesome, adorable, Designer Daddy-approved stuff… which I want to share with all of my awesome, adorable peeps!

If you have a suggestion or want me to feature your product on an upcoming DooDad, hit the CONTACT button up there on the right side of this page. DooDad posts may contain affiliate links.

And be sure and visit (and like) Designer Daddy on Facebook or follow Designer Daddy on Instagram for more awesomeness.

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